Thursday, April 16, 2015

The goodness of going beyond 1 kid

I, vacillating between both great pride and great disappointment, thought pretty much everything that my firstborn was and acted and did was about me. Oh sure, I wouldn't have said it aloud. It was more of a feeling I had. It was because of MY dedication, MY sleep training, MY influence, MY effort, MY personality. And some things are about me. But the longer I'm a mom, the more I've discovered that these little people arrive all their own and we are witness to a great many things that have nothing to with us. Do we help shape them? Oh yeah. Do we help with perimeters and discipline? Sure. But there are these amazing moments that just kind've blow the lid off the pot. Here's one that just is about as true and honest as they come.

If you ran into me in public out for groceries or a bored stroll through Target, I would stop my crew (depending on store, with 1 or 2 carts) and the following would happen. I would get in a brief amount of chit chat with you and then Thomas would ask to speak. 

He may say "excuse me" or "who are you" or "I don't know you" or be rude and jump straightaway at one of a dozen questions he plans to ask you.  He is like one of those toys you wind up and they vibrate forward just because they can... only he is permanently programmed for such, no extra winding necessary. He will ask you all sorts of things if you don't run off right away. About your day. How you know his momma. What you dreamt about last night because he dreamt about a tornado sucking up his ninja turtles. If you like pb&js as much as he does.

The entire time this is taking place the twins will sit eerily still. They will calmly stare at you, sweetly boring into something they know nothing about, you, and would maybe, probably, like to keep it that way. They will sit so still it is as if they are playing a game of hide and go seek and their hiding spot happens to be in a shopping cart under massive fluorescent lighting. They won't talk to you. Not likely. What is likely is that they will listen to everything you say.  And stare. And sit like baby ninjas.

I don't blame them. What's the point? Thomas does 90% of the talking around here. Good for him. I think the only time he stops talking is when he is eating. A couple nights ago at the dinner table I asked the kids if they wanted to talk about what made their day great. Like an old soul, Thomas raised his hand just a bit and with expertly squinty eyes as if after deep contemplation said, "let's just be quiet and not talk and enjoy our dinner."  Alright then. So there. He does stop talking sometimes.

Speaking of the dinner table, there's another budding development of contrasts between the kids.  Alistair and Emerick have taken it upon themselves to tell Thomas and I (and Paul when he's here) to pray before we eat.  As soon as I sit down, Alistair (very adamant about this) gets my attention in his nonsense blibber blabber and pressing his palms together so I will start the blessing. As we say grace, Alsitair and Emerick beam that we've remembered and when they go to make their disjointed and adorable sign of the cross, I look across the table to Thomas and rummage through my guilty mom files for a memory of Thomas EVER trying to make the sign of the cross, but he's busy being quiet so I don't bother to ask.

On this blog, I'll talk big about not judging each other. About supporting each other. About really believing in other women.  But I'll just say it. I only say that because I was hella judgmental as a new mom (which is so deeply ironic because I had absolutely 0 grounds to be below 0).

Why doesn't that mom just let her kid cry it out? That little girl is just upset to be left at day care because she can sense her mom's anxiety.  Oh, and this one makes me cringe... If she would have just tried a little harder, she could have made nursing work. 

These are not pithy examples. These were real. These are real judgments I really felt. And now, oh now. Ha!

I've had both a child who could sleep through a tornado passing over his body and a child who wakes for sips of water as if his delicate system will just die if he doesn't have a touch of water before drifting off to sleep again.

I've had both children who are as happy as can be to be left in the care of someone else and playing with toys that are different than the ones we have at home and one (Emerick at the moment) who wants nothing more to be safely in the arms of his momma. Much tears. MUCH tears.

I've had a nursing experience that was calm and beautiful (except when he would hit me on the chest) and one that was difficult, overstimulating and altogether an experience that still makes me want to put a bumper sticker on my car that says, "I CAN DO HARD THINGS!"

I've. Been. Humbled.

My kids humble me right out the gate with those darn c-sections.  No warrior, hear me cry, see me push, watch me bloom kind of birthing experiences for me. And I've been on the receiving end of that judgment. Hashtag truth.

I know just as true as the sun that there are women who think if I would have just read a little more, asked a few more questions, waited a little longer, gone to a few more classes, tried a little harder, cared a little more, challenged a little more, interviewed a different doctor, had a better plan, and prayed a little harder THEN I would have done it the right way. I know this because I've seen it written across their forehead as plain as day, like that involuntary underwear exercise we're encouraged to use when speaking in public...only in this case we can see that our momma friend is thinking their naked thoughts right on their face and you want to look away but you can't and you can't believe you can see them but you can and you wonder if she realizes she's naked.

It's one thing to say we aren't judgmental. It's another thing to truly bridge the gap between what we know to what is unfamiliar.

For me, having 3 kids has pretty much built that bridge.  Some of you don't need 3 kids to make that happen. Good for you. You rock. I would hope we all don't have to have multiple kids to grow in understanding of each other. No, yeah, that's not right. There's lots of ways to do that.  But since I'm more or less huddled up with these kids of mine day in and day out (whom are vacuuming as a team, without supervision, the spices that the twins dumped out while I finish this post), I'm glad that I'm growing closer to others in the process even when I'm isolated.

And just to make it clear what that means. It means me watching my kids grow into their own and realizing every day just how dumb it was that I took so much credit and claim for how they've come about.

Because I will tell you right now there is no voodoo parenting trick I'm aware of that can get a set of twins to play invisible or a kid to talk until the skin falls right off your body. And I'm so glad I've finally got that cleared up in my mind.


  1. Great post. And a great reminder for someone like me (who's a mere 10 months into this parenting gig) that it's not because of a personal failure that my son has suddenly taken to defiantly slapping people across the face. And I'm sure i'll need to remind myself of this many times in the future!

    1. Anne, I once watched my 2 year old pull his cousin's in a really nasty, awful way. It was shocking. So shocking I was frozen. I didn't discipline. I couldn't move or speak. My sister-in-law came to the rescue and took care of the situation. My life flashed before my eyes and I felt I was constantly five steps behind my son and I was way out of my league. My mom taught me something great in the aftermath of that experience, and that is to EXPECT EVERYTHING in advance. Wow, that's some awesome advice! And just the best because I've pretty much seen and heard and walking into everything you can imagine so far. I've learned to not take situations so seriously but to act quick and be firm but not disastrous in handling the teachable, formative moment. Nope, you are NOT a personal failure. You are great & you are taking things one day, one hour, one teachable moment at a time!

  2. One of my big humbling realizations was that my firstborn's stellar Mass behavior? NOTHING to do with me. At all. So say my 1 year old twins. And so says my now-three-year-old, somewhat-less-than-stellar firstborn. :-P I remember the first Mass I was so angry at my children that I was crying and suddenly, I realized just why some people leave their young children at home when they go to church--a thing I had found unfathomable before.

    1. I love that you share this. I love that our kids are giving us tangible, real ways to grow in understanding of each other. Being judgmental of others has often been a distraction from my own problems. The relief I feel in knowing that there are reasons outside of my experience for why others do things differently is just enormous and wonderful!

  3. I knew SO much about parenting before we had kids! Interestingly enough, having twins has taught me more than anything just how little their behavior has to do with how we parent them... This whole fraternal twin thing is INCREDIBLE! They're totally different, despite the exact same upbringing!

    Also, I was convinced we were doing something SERIOUSLY right when John Paul turned out to be totally brilliant. And now I realize that really, he's just ridiculously smart and it has nothing to do with us, considering the girls have had the same upbringing and none of them are as ridiculous as he is!

    1. Oh my gosh, Rosie. I hadn't thought of that. That is so interesting, the witness to fraternal twins really being their own despite a seriously matched upbringing. I wonder when you started to really see those differences because Alistair & Emerick, although they "feel" different to me, are still pretty much two peas in a pod, two peas that are pretty similar in almost all things.

  4. Oh yeah. I knew everything about parenting, especially after having had exactly one child. He was the neatest eater ever. Clearly that was because we had delayed giving him solids until he really wanted them, slightly after when the recommended introduction time was. He never needed a bib. He just had a narrow ring of food around his mouth. We had done it RIGHT.

    And then we had his sister. Food all over her face. Food in her hair. Food on her clothes. Food on the floor. Yep, we were experts. We were the Perfect Parents. ::sigh::

    1. LOL. Melissa, do you think we do this whole pride about our parenting thing because it is hard to be a new parent and we need to puff ourselves up a bit to cope? Just a thought. I know I would fit into that thought. Also, NEW MOM = "look how Junior eats!" EXPERIENCED MOM = "you'll eat it if you are hungry enough." ;)

  5. Bravo. I love this piece and I really appreciate your honesty, Ashley. Well written, well said.

    1. Thank you so much, Bonnie. Your praise means a great deal, and I won't shy away from admitting that. :)
