Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Five Favorites [vol. 1]

So a link-up for simply five of my favorite things? Yes! I'm needing a post with barely detectable levels of exerted brain power. I'm in!

Favorite Product

After a little freak out session over impending stretch marks, a Facebook friend suggested Bio-Oil.  I rushed out and laid out my cash, ever grateful to ease my anxieties.  Even though I'm not yet credible to pose as a Bio-Oil poster child, I will go ahead and declare a love for the stuff! Rubbing the oil over my body is helping me accept my figure, day by day.  Also, I've used the time it takes to rub my tummy as a moment of prayer for my two sons, keeping my perspective in check that, regardless of my body's appearance, it's a joyous miracle that I get to carry two souls inside me each day.  This stuff feels great and makes me feel beautiful too--which is quite remarkable considering my ho-hum bodily woes as of late.

Favorite Current Read

I remembered about a week ago that this book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, was on my Kindle.  I feel like I need to go to a 7 Habits meeting wherein I stand up, state my name, and speak of the recovery process from having not read the book for 28 years of my life.   I'm an odd creature.  I must read about something to really be sold on it, I must read something to really understand and believe.  This book could not have landed in my life a day too soon, considering the big adventure of twinning up ahead! This book has truly revolutionized the way I think of myself, my friends and family, and everything from the big picture and where I want to be at the end of my life to the tiny details of each day. Have you read it?

Favorite New App

My husband shared an app with me this past weekend.  Wunderlist! It's a place for me to store all kinds of lists and that's just wunderful because I'm very list-oriented and have been in list hyper speed lately.  My husband and I have shared lists and tasks, making our day to day decision making a bit less hectic or stressful since there's no need to talk more than once about the priority or scheduling of a project or task.  The app is free. Check it out!

Favorite Drink

My lovely friend, Jodee, hipped me to the mango smoothie at Panera.  It's sheer bliss in a cup.  Pureed mango.  Raspberry drizzle. Pink straw. What more could I want?! I've only ever had two, but I'm determined to start making a copycat at home.  In the meantime, I'm trying my best to avert my eyes at the all alluring Panera sign.

Favorite Bedtime
Right now.

*Wow, I couldn't even muster up enough energy for my 1st Five Favorites. You can even see me fizzling out at 4... thinking of my bed and pillows and closing my eyelids... That's good. I've set the bar low.  Can't wow you all at once.


  1. "Rubbing the oil over my body is helping me accept my figure, day by day. Also, I've used the time it takes to rub my tummy as a moment of prayer for my two sons, keeping my perspective in check that, regardless of my body's appearance, it's a joyous miracle that I get to carry two souls inside me each day."

    Just beautiful, Ashley! I love that.

    1. I love the link-up, Hallie. It's such a great way for all of us to swap our best finds. Genius!

  2. Bio-Oil is awesome after pregnancy, too - sometimes, you're just going to get stretch marks. I've gotten more with each pregnancy, and I've accepted that it's genetic. BUT Bio-Oil actually fades them really well.

  3. If it's any consolation-it's quite possible that I just birthed a baby that is equal to the weight of BOTH of your boys when they make their exit. And-I have hardly a stretch mark to show for it. That is meant to be encouraging and to give you hope that you'll be the same. If it doesn't turn out like that-forget I ever commented! Or spend a few second cussing me out :)

    ps-I used coconut oil.

    1. Katie, that's awesome! Do you mind sharing how much weight you gained during the pregnancy? I really need to get on the coconut oil bandwagon. I have a vague understanding that it's helpful for a lot of different uses.

    2. At my last appointment I had gained 40 pounds, but that was a week before he was born-so it was probably closer to 42 or 43. AND after the delivery and pushing out a 9 pound baby plus placenta......I lost a whopping 12 pounds :)

  4. I just wanted to say that 7 habits changed the way I think about life, too. I need to re-read it, to make his ideas a bigger part of my life again. One of his habits that I think of frequently is sharpening the saw.

    1. Yes, the sharpening the saw part will replay in my mind over and over again now. Just such a wonderful book!
